Create an app with us and increase your store conversion!

Experience, engagement, performance and unified management in a single product. Swipe the screen to discover the MOBFIQ platform!


Conversion rate increase


Store rating by over 5 million users

650 mi


All you need in one product.

Native application exclusively for VTEX e-commerce.

All you need in one product.

See how much and how your business can grow with MOBFIQ!

+ 20%

Increased online revenue

+ 150%

Features and Integrations

45 days

Setup and Go Live ready

Mobile Info
Mobile Info

Intuitive navigation is everything!

Our technology is 100% native, developed for iOS and Android. High performance with simple and easy shopping flow.

Unified payment with the VTEX platform

We are more than an omnichannel solution, we are Unified Commerce: a unified shopping and payment experience with the VTEX platform. Integrated management with efficiency gains for business, connecting the customer with your brand regardless of the channel, customer-centric!

Engagement and Loyalty

Proprietary CRM, marketing and analytics tools that let you get to know the customer, chat in a personalized way and increase purchase frequency.

Meet some of our features

Select to view:

Customizable Home

  • Card reader
  • Customizable Home
  • Notification Push

Texto 1: We are constantly evolving to provide you with complete sales, marketing and customer relations solutions.

Texto 2: We are constantly evolving to provide you with complete sales, marketing and customer relations solutions.

Texto 3: We are constantly evolving to provide you with complete sales, marketing and customer relations solutions.

Mobile Info Mobile Info Mobile Info

Unified commerce

Unified commerce



With the MOBFIQ e-commerce platform, retailers have a unified system (unified commerce) integrated with the VTEX platform that centralizes the entire sales management of their channels, providing a 360° view of your business. Flexibility that provides key insights for channel expansion, new journeys and a better user experience.

An app platform for various market segments.

App Phone 4 App Phone 2 App Phone 1 App Phone 3 App Phone 5
Phone Cloud Words Cloud Words

Mobify your e-commerce

  • Push Notification;
  • Pickup Store and Shipping from Store;
  • Product Subscription;
  • Marketplace Stream ;
  • Shopping List;
  • Favorite List;
  • Native smart checkout;
  • Customizable Home;
  • Map of stores with push notification;
  • Lookbook with call to action for shopping cart;
  • Unified VTEX management;
  • native for iOS and Android;
  • focus on user experience (UX);
  • and much more!
Phone with play to open contact form

Talk to our experts and have your store in 45 days

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